
UBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch's motivations to participate in IMS Luxembourg's activities:

For UBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch, just like for all of us, being a part of a community is a vital need: it provides strong links between individuals and promotes sharing of values between people with different horizons. We believe that it is our duty to actively participate in this community in which we live and work and having an impact on well being. At UBS, we feel responsible and we have to act in order to make our present, but mostly our future, better, for the future generations. Integrating IMS confirms our engagement in this sense towards the community of Luxembourg.  Being a part of IMS’ members not only sends a message to the external world but also permits to give landmarks and exchange on good practices with organisations that share the same values as us.


UBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch's CSR policy: 

UBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch and the Kräizbierg Foundation announced their partnership in 2011. For UBS, their main aim is to contribute to the improvement of the vision on handicap through the financing of activities or projects associating valid and handicapped people. These projects promote inclusion and openness to others.

• Sponsoring – blanContact: an artistic project between dance professionals and handicapped people; recently recomposed by Info Handicap pour its creativity and originality in the integration of handicap;

• Donations – in 2012, donations were as high as €26,514;

• Painting or cooking workshops as part of a volunteering programme for our employees;

• Fundraising by our employees in order to help the Foundation (sale of art, cooking books, Christmas markets, and tombolas);

• And other events – in order to facilitate meetings between employees, their families and disabled people;

• The Ateliers (particularly Multimedia) of the Fondation are also official suppliers of UBS.


In 2012, UBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch and the University of Luxembourg announced their partnership. It has been founded in the aim to promote and facilitate Luxembourg’s development as the global center of excellency in the financial domain. It is focused on different poles:

• The organisation of an annual conference, "Academia Meets Business" bringing together the academic world and the financial community on topicality themes (the 2012 edition was on the Eurozone)

• Offering prioritised internships to students from the University of Luxembourg

• Financial support to the the university associative life

• Excellency Award for a Doctoral thesis from the Faculty of Law, Economy and Finance


UBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch's CSR actions and frameworks:

Our policy is focused one 2 axes: education and empowerment. These are the compulsory tools for communities to give themselves all necessary chances in order to improve their quality of life, their level of knowledge, et ultimately, to be integrated and autonomous.


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