
6zero1 Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs Opens in Differdange

On Thursday, the 6zero1 incubator of social entrpreneurs opened at 115a rue Émile Mark in Differdange under the management of Gontran Poirot.

6zero1 is a new workspace, consulting and training in Luxembourg whose mission is to contribute to the creation of sustainable jobs through the fabric of sustainable and economically viable social enterprises.

Through a customised incubation programme, the structure of 6zero1 in Luxembourg may accompany social entrepreneurs throughout the process of creating and launching their social or societal business.

Being itself a social enterprise, 6zero1 intends to be the first social enterprise Luxembourg to be in the form of a société d’impact sociétal (SIS) on the entry into force of the bill establishing societal impact companies - hence the name of the first SIS - SIS No. 01 = 6zero1.

More information: www.6zero1.lu