
After work Conference-Debate: "Sports and the workplace: advantages of a narrow cooperation"

Adopting an active way of living, also means integrating physical activity in every day life: at home, at school, at work, during personal hobbies.

This is why, the Minister of Sports, following the dictum of “méi bewegen (moving more)” that originates from the National Action Plan “Gesond iessen, méi bewegen (eat healthy, move more)”, has decided to intervene in the most diverse domains in order to improve, or even increase, on a long-term basis, the level of physical activity of an entire population.

To exchange on this subject, the Minister of Sports has organised a conference-debate "Sports and the workplace: advantages of a narrow cooperation", that will take place in the premises of BGL BNP Paribas in Luxembourg-Kirchberg, on the 27th of September 2016, at 4:30pm.

Find out more on the details and the programme of the conference via their website www.sports.lu.