
Understanding the pay gap between men and women

During the Diversity Network that took place on the 16th of September at Deloitte, 25 participants brought up the pay gap between men and women up. This gap can be explained, among other things, by the fact that men are more present in high responsibility roles, but also that women resort to part time jobs more often. Due to these realisations, speakers and participants attempted to approach solutions with key numbers and testimonials.

  • The Ministry for Equality of Chances presented its "positive actions" programme that offers advice and financial support to participating companies. These companies need to implement a series of actions in favour of equality between men and women in order to obtain their label. Moreover, Logib-Lux, a tool permitting to calculate and analyse pay gaps is provided for free.
  • At Deloitte, where the "positive actions" programme was implemented, diversity indicators were set up via WIN Dashboard, flexibility and telework are being promoted, and conferences on unconscious bias are organized in the context of their WoMen Initiative.
  • The Raiffeisen Bank, which also participated in the "positive actions" programme, set up a 2012 - 2015 action plan that permitted them to analyse the key trends in terms of inequalities, and is thus organising female workshops, awareness trainings and management trainings for women.