
Burnout: break the taboo

76 people, members of IMS Luxembourg, of the POG or signatories of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg, participated in the conference-debate “Burnout: break the taboo” on Tuesday 11th October. The Ministry of Health first set the context with some definitions.

Dr. Patrick Mesters, Owner and Director of the European Institute for Intervention and Research on Burnout, highlighted the complex role of HRM in raising awareness among employees, preventing and supporting people in pre and post burnout. After having identified some “at risk” populations, he emphasized that 43% of absenteeism is due to stress at work. According to a study led by the Institute, a better management of absenteeism could allow a financial and moral return on investment.

Then, the round-table moderated by Magali Maillot, HRM of Allen & Overy and Board Member of the POG, and composed of Dr. Mesters, Stéphanie Deitz, ING Luxembourg and Céline Briolotti, City of Luxembourg, pointed out practices in organisations: awareness, prevention, the importance of managers’ support or even the return at work.

All the pictures of the event:

Conférence "Burn-out : briser le tabou", le 11 octobre 2016