
The cube20 competition is now!

Cube2020 is a competition that is part of the national action for sustainable development, in which companies register to reduce their energy consumption for one year. Indeed, each month, the energy consumption of the various participating buildings is collected on a dedicated platform. It is then compared with their historical consumption to measure their energy savings realized by mobilizing on the proper use of the building and the adjustment of technical installations. So it is an action to promote eco-responsible initiatives. 

In the last edition, the previous year, 120 participants saved an average of 12% in one year with a record of 38% for the winner. This year will be the third edition and an individual medal according to your absolute progress will be awarded.

It's important to know that very little extra work is necessary for the person in charge of the management of the building because the savings are mainly on the uses and therefore the education of the occupants via awareness.

Click here to learn more or register.

Please note that registration must be made before the 1st January 2017.